Edged Weapons Training Course
England - Training - Self Defence - Personal Safety, 13 years ago, 318 hits
The CPDT team have specialised in edged weapons training for many years and have delivered the content of this course to many groups.
Women's Personal Safety Course
England - Training - Self Defence - Personal Safety, 13 years ago, 717 hits
Learn some simple and effective ways to assess and avoid a potentially dangerous situation. This women's personal safety course will educate you in practical and realistic techniques to mentally and physically deal with a self defence scenario.
Gary Payne Self Defence DVD
England - Training - Self Defence - Personal Safety, 13 years ago, 747 hits
Gary is a veteran of the personal safety industry with over 30 years experience designing and implementing training courses for numerous groups including Police, Military and Security personnel.
Teachers Personal Safety Course
England - Education - Training - Corporate Education, 13 years ago, 354 hits
This realistic approach to teachers personal safety provides some key skills to assess and avoid conflict. A non-physical course, you will increase your confidence, self esteem, control over the situation, awareness skills and your personal safety
Life Skills for Children standard coaching System
England - Education - Training - Corporate Education, 13 years ago, 336 hits
A course in personal safety and communication
A preventative measures programme
Increase awareness of potentially dangerous situations
Improve communication and interpersonal understanding
Builds self-confidence, self-discipline and respect