Student Behavior Change Posters That Will Rock Your Classroom
United States - Education, 14 years ago, 1966 hits
Just $8 each, each attention-grabbing poster delivers a compelling and important message to your students. Each poster facilitates essential insights, while busting through apathy and bad attitudes.
Behavior Change Handouts Printable Worksheets for Students
United States - Education, 14 years ago, 4806 hits
Our Behavior Change Handout Series contains two volumes: Controlling Myself and My Feelings and Becoming a Motivated and Prepared Student and Worker. Now you can own nearly all of our most beloved reproducible lesson handouts.
The Quickest Kid Fixer-Uppers Books
United States - Education, 14 years ago, 500 hits
No more grasping for "what to do now" when your youngsters misbehave-- once you own our strategy-packed Quickest Kid Fixer-Uppers books series. You've never seen such fast, effective behavior change strategies before. These books can solve it all.
The Best Answers for the Worst Kid Problems Books and eBooks
United States - Education, 14 years ago, 492 hits
Whether you choose the paperback book, ebook or audio book MP3 format, this series is packed with ready-to-use, immediate answers for the worst youth problems-- problems like apathy, poor motivation, serious misconduct, non-compliance, and more.
Breakthrough Strategies to Teach Troubled Youth Books
United States - Education, 14 years ago, 1238 hits
Set of 11 books, sold as a set for $139 and by volume for $15. The Breakthrough Strategies to Teach and Counsel Troubled Youth lesson series books deliver immediate help to turnaround your troubled, defiant, and challenged youth and children.
Breakthrough Strategies to Teach Troubled Youth Distance Learning Workshop
United States - Education, 14 years ago, 958 hits
Teacher professional development distance learning that works. Learn 200 more powerful solutions to turnaround classroom management problems, behavior concerns, bad attitudes, apathy, and more. College credit $43, free CEUs. 800-545-5736