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Products > ALTECHNA

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Laser Software SCA
Lithuania - Software - Laser Software, 13 years ago, 1166 hits
Full functionality laser system automation software, dedicated for technically and ideologically unlimited 3D micromachining experiments. Control up to 5 Aerotech positioning stages, galvanometer scanners, laser parameters and many other devices.

OLY laser diode driver
Lithuania - Electronics - Laser Diode Driver, 14 years ago, 756 hits
Only LDD is the medium power CW or pulsed laser diode driver. Small size unit incorporates on-board LCD user and USB 2.0 interface. Low heat management allow easy LDD integration in medical, industrial and portable laser applications.

Laser optics metrology testing
Lithuania - Quality Control - Laser Optics, 14 years ago, 814 hits
Metrology laboratory provides high level integrated research services for measuring optical components quality parameters to ensure our customers withthe best quality products.

Motorized Watt Pilot - Attenuator
Lithuania - Accessories - Laser Systems, 14 years ago, 501 hits
Motorized Continuously Variable Attenuator with Brewster type thin film polarizers/polarizing beamsplitter cube.

Universal LensCase
Lithuania - Research - Laser And Photonic, 14 years ago, 407 hits
Altechna presents brand new LENSCASE for 22 lenses. All lenses are mounted in black anodized dia 25,4mm metal rings, in which lenses are fixed with metal retaining rings (glue free configuration) of special shape.

DPSS CW RED laser, 671nm
Lithuania - Laser Surgery - DPSS Lasers, 14 years ago, 468 hits
TEC cooled, high stability DPSS lasers, suitable for applications in harsh environments.

DPSS CW GREEN Laser, 532nm
Lithuania - Laser Surgery - DPSS Lasers, 14 years ago, 455 hits
532 nm CW diode pumped solid state laser systems. The output power of 532-DPSS green laser systems ranges from 10 mW to 5 W. The laser system is TEC cooled, with high temperature stability. It is also designed to be operated and maintained easily.

DPSS CW IR Laser, 1064nm
Lithuania - Laser Surgery - DPSS Lasers, 14 years ago, 508 hits
DPSS-IR is diode-pumped, solid-state, continuous wave, temperature stabilized, lasers that deliver 1064 nm IR output.

10STA-01 - Diode pumped Nd:LSB solid-state micro laser
Lithuania - Laser Surgery, 14 years ago, 427 hits
Solid-state lasers STA produce short pulses at high repetition rates, and of high peak power.

Zoom Beam Expander - CO2
Lithuania - Accessories, 14 years ago, 843 hits
This Zoom Beam Expander is the highest quality lens systems and range of beam expanders.

ultraFAST Watt Pilot - Attenuator
Lithuania - Accessories - Laser Systems, 14 years ago, 756 hits
Ideal for ultraSHORT laser pulses (down to 20fs) The variable attenuator incorporates 2 (or 1) high-performance Broadband polarizers working at 72deg angle of incidence (AOI), which reflect s-polarized light while transmitting p-polarized light.

High power laser diode DRIVER for DPSS lasers
Lithuania - Industrial - Lasers - 405nm Diode Lasers, 14 years ago, 506 hits
Cost-effective, hi-tech solution designed for safe operation of laser diodes and DPSS lasers for both OEM and end-user applications.

Ti:Sapphire Crystals
Lithuania - Accessories - Laser Crystals, 14 years ago, 852 hits
Titanium doped Sapphire is the most widely used crystal generating ultra short femtasecond pulses, high gain and high power lasing.

Yb:KGW and Yb:KYW Crystals
Lithuania - Research - Laser And Photonic - Laser Crystals, 14 years ago, 1009 hits
Yb3+ doped KY(WO4)2 (KYW) and KGd(WO4)2 (KGW)single crystals are the new laser crystals for diode and laser pumped solid-state laser applications.

Broadband (Ultrafast) Thin film polarizers
Lithuania - Laser Surgery - Femtosecond Laser, 14 years ago, 434 hits
Broadband (Ultrafast) Thin film polarizers for femtosecond lasers

Mid-IR waveplates
Lithuania - Accessories, 14 years ago, 510 hits
Zero Order CdGa2S4 waveplates for mid-IR applications (2,8-9,0 microns).

Plano-Convex Lenses
Lithuania - Lenses, 14 years ago, 843 hits
Positive focus length lenses have flat surface on one side and spherical surface on the other. They are used for focusing beams in telescopes, collimators or condenser systems, optical transceivers or other applications.

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