DPSS CW RED laser, 671nm
Lithuania - Laser Surgery - DPSS Lasers, 14 years ago, 468 hits
TEC cooled, high stability DPSS lasers, suitable for applications in harsh environments.
DPSS CW GREEN Laser, 532nm
Lithuania - Laser Surgery - DPSS Lasers, 14 years ago, 455 hits
532 nm CW diode pumped solid state laser systems.
The output power of 532-DPSS green laser systems ranges from 10 mW to 5 W. The laser system is TEC cooled, with high temperature stability. It is also designed to be operated and maintained easily.
DPSS CW IR Laser, 1064nm
Lithuania - Laser Surgery - DPSS Lasers, 14 years ago, 508 hits
DPSS-IR is diode-pumped, solid-state, continuous wave, temperature stabilized, lasers that deliver 1064 nm IR output.
Zoom Beam Expander - CO2
Lithuania - Accessories, 14 years ago, 843 hits
This Zoom Beam Expander is the highest quality lens systems and range of beam expanders.
High power laser diode DRIVER for DPSS lasers
Lithuania - Industrial - Lasers - 405nm Diode Lasers, 14 years ago, 506 hits
Cost-effective, hi-tech solution designed for safe operation of laser diodes and DPSS lasers for both OEM and end-user applications.
Ti:Sapphire Crystals
Lithuania - Accessories - Laser Crystals, 14 years ago, 852 hits
Titanium doped Sapphire is the most widely used crystal generating ultra short femtasecond pulses, high gain and high power lasing.
Yb:KGW and Yb:KYW Crystals
Lithuania - Research - Laser And Photonic - Laser Crystals, 14 years ago, 1009 hits
Yb3+ doped KY(WO4)2 (KYW) and KGd(WO4)2 (KGW)single crystals are the new laser crystals for diode and laser pumped solid-state laser applications.
Broadband (Ultrafast) Thin film polarizers
Lithuania - Laser Surgery - Femtosecond Laser, 14 years ago, 434 hits
Broadband (Ultrafast) Thin film polarizers for femtosecond lasers
Mid-IR waveplates
Lithuania - Accessories, 14 years ago, 510 hits
Zero Order CdGa2S4 waveplates for mid-IR applications (2,8-9,0 microns).