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Know Your Plants Ants Nest (Myrmecodia pendans)
Ant nests are plants from Hydnophytinae (Rubiaceae) are associated with ants. These plants are epiphytes, meaning attached to other plants, do not live in the parasite, but only use it to stick. Examples of other epiphytes commonly found living in trees is moss crust, moss, algae, and orchids . Actually there are 5 ant genus in the family Rubiaceae, but only the genus and Myrmecodia Hydnophytum the closest association with ants. Ant genus (Myrmecodia pendans) is divided into several species on the structure of the tuber. Hydnophytum consists of 45 species and 26 species Myrmecodia. All species of this plant has ballooned rod-like fruit inside hollow-cavity is generally inhabited by ants.
Endemic plants ant (Myrmecodia pendans) from Peninsular Malaysia to the Philippines, Cambodia, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Java, Papua, Papua New Guinea, Cape York to Solomon Islands. The province, plant ant nests are found mainly in the Middle Mountain region, the greatest diversity of ant nests found on the island of Papua (Indonesia) where the high plains species are locally specific. In the wild habitat of the ant nests are inhabited by various species of ants and often by three species of the genus Iridomyrmex. Identify what we did against pendens Myrmecodia anthill indicates that these plants are inhabited by a colony of ants from Ochetellus type sp.
Ants Nest (Myrmecodia Pendans) Traditional Knowledge
From the literature there are recorded only 1 species and 1 species Hydnophytum Myrmecodia used as a medicine by the local population in certain regions of Southeast Asia, namely Hydnophytum Myrmecodia formicarum tuberosa Jack and Jack. In Indonesia, H. formicarum used to treat swelling, headaches and rheumatism. water from the cooked Myrmecodia results are used to treat hernias and stomach pain. In the Philippines, used to treat liver and digestive problems. In Thailand, the powder used to treat antelmintik (de-worming), cardiac tonic, bone diseases, skin diseases, lung diseases, pain in joints and as an ingredient for the drug antidiabetes mixture. In Malaysia, used to treat cancer. In Vietnam, this plant is used to treat hepatitis, rheumatism and diarrhea.
Ingredients Active Compounds
Chemical analysis of ant nests showed that this plant mainly contains chemical compounds from the class of flavonoids and tannins. Flavonoids are a class of compounds of natural ingredients that many phenolic compounds are plant pigments. Currently more than 6000 different compounds into the class of flavonoids. Flavonoids are an important part of our diet because many health benefits. Most flavonoids function in our body is as an antioxidant. The benefits of flavonoids among others is to protect the cell structure, has a synergistic relationship with vitamin C (increase the effectiveness of vitamin C), anti-inflammatory, prevents bone loss and as an antibiotic. In many cases, flavonoids can act directly as an antibiotic to disrupt the function of microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses. Flavonoids function as an antiviral has been published, including for the HIV virus (AIDS) and herpes viruses. In addition, flavonoids are also reported to play a role in the prevention and treatment of several other diseases such as asthma, kataraks, diabetes, rheumatism / arthritis, migraines, hemorrhoids, and periodontitis (inflammation of the connective tissue supporting the roots of teeth). Ant's ability to treat various types of cancer / tumor, tuberculosis, and arthritis / rheumatism is closely related to the content flavonoid.
Tanin is astringen, bitter taste plant polyphenols that can bind and precipitate proteins. Tannins are generally known to be used for leather tanning, but tannin is also a lot of applications in the field of medicine, eg for treatment of diarrhea, hemostatik (stop bleeding), and hemorrhoids. Ant's ability to treat hemorrhoids and bleeding related to the content tanin.
In addition, ant nests are rich in antioxidants tocopherol (vitamin E) and several important minerals for the body such as calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.
In the body's metabolic system, calcium in the work of the heart function, nerve impulses and blood clotting. Iron functions in the formation of hemoglobin, oxygen transport, enzyme activators. Phosphorus functions in calcium absorption and energy production. Sodium has a role in electrolyte balance, body fluid volume and nerve impulses. Potassium function in heart rhythm, nerve impulses and acid-base equilibrium. Zinc has a function in protein synthesis, sexual function, storing insulin, carbohydrate metabolism and wound healing. While magnesium has a role in the function of bone, liver, muscle, transfer of intracellular water, alkaline balance and neuromuscular activity. Mineral functions above can explain some of the other benefits from ant nests, for example in helping to overcome a variety of diseases / disorders of the heart, launching and treat menstrual discharge, blood circulation, cure migraen (the headaches), renal dysfunction and prostate, restore freshness and stamina, and restore sexual desire.
Pharmacological activity Ants Nest (Myrmecodia Pendans)
In some ASEAN countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, the research of this type of ant nests H. formicarum had earlier done since 5 years ago, especially relating to the evaluation of toxicity, antioxidant and anticancer. So far this has been reported that the methanol extract, methanol: water (1:1), and water from H. formicarum has been shown to inhibit the growth of several types of tumors and cancer cells in vitro with high activity. One mechanism that has been revealed is the induction of apoptosis is indicated by a change in morphology and DNA fragmentation.
Ethanol extract of H. formicarum also reported to contain active compounds Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDAC) that has an effective anticancer activity. HDAC inhibitors is a class of active compounds currently being tested clinically as anticancer. HDAC inhibitors have been shown to inhibit tumor cell growth, induce differentiation and cause cell death apoptotik of cancer cells of breast, lung, ovary, prostate and colon. HDAC inhibitors allegedly caused transcriptional activation of several genes whose expression causes inhibition of tumor growth.
Water and chloroform extracts from H. formicarum has been reported also to have strong antioxidant activity through free radical test of 1.1-diphenyl-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) with inhibitory concentration (IC50), each for 32.95 mg / ml and 39.1 mg / ml. A pure compounds that have been successfully isolated from hexane extract of H. formicarum is stigmasterol which has cytotoxic activity against breast cancer cells and cancer cells nasopharynx with LC50 values of 87.7 and 34.3 mg / ml.
Multi efficacy ant species M. pendans allegedly related to the content of active compounds, especially from among flavonoids, tannins, tocopherol, multi-minerals (Ca, Na, K, P, Zn, Fe, Mg) and polysaccharides. Ethanol extract of M. pendans have antioxidant activity with IC50's of 48.6 mg / ml. The same extracts also have activity as an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase (anti uric acid) which is equivalent to the concentration of allopurinol 200 mg / ml. Toxicity tests that have been made to extract the water M. pendans shows that consumption of ants nests at doses of 3 x 1 tablespoon (the usual dose is consumed) is still relatively safe. Pure compounds that have been successfully isolated from the class of steroids is / terpenoid and flavonoid glycosides.
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