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NannyTest Personality and Risk Assessment

Online personality and risk assessment of Nannies, Au Pairs and babysitters

Manufacturer - TakeCare
Model # - NannyTest
Submitted By - TakeCare (Service Provider, Developer)
Country - Israel
Category - HR Software : Assessment&Screening

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Delivery :   Online
Length :   30 minutes
Language :   English, Spanish, Portuguese
Price :   $30
Target customers :   Parents, Placement Agencies


NannyTest has been constructed specifically for the assessment of nannies, au pairs, babysitters or other child caregivers and is currently available in English, Spanish and Portuguese (applicants must read the language fluently).

The test combines an assessment of relevant risk factors (also known as integrity test) and of personal traits.

Risk factors assessed:

•Violent behavior
•Drug abuse
•Drinking habits
•General integrity
•Truthful reporting
•Respect to property
•Commitment to place of work
•Bribery risk
•Gambling habits

Personal traits assessed:

•Obedience and discipline
•Emotional stability
•Coping with pressure
•Service awareness
•Positive attitude

The test takes some 30 minutes to complete. It is administered over the web and can be performed anywhere where internet access is available, in your home or at the nanny’s home. Just allow the candidate to sit alone in front of a PC in a quite environment and answer the questions as they appear on the screen. Tests are interactive and questions change according to the responses to previous questions. The candidate is not required to have any prior experience in operating a PC.

Once the test is completed, the system will automatically analyze and weigh the responses, and a detailed report will be e-mailed to you. Reports are designed to be comprehensive, yet simple and easy to understand.


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