Certificate of Electrical Awareness
England - Training - Electrical Training, 13 years ago, 545 hits
This course is suitable for anyone who needs a basic appreciation and awareness of how to work safely with electrical equipment (for example maintenance staff). Training involves a mixture of basic electrical theory and some practical exercises.
Solar Photovoltaic Installer Course
England - Training - Electrical Training, 13 years ago, 633 hits
This course is aimed at qualified electricians who want to expand their knowledge and skills to include installation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems with up to 5kWp output.
Portable Appliance Testing Course
England - Training - Electrical Training, 13 years ago, 596 hits
Our Portable Appliance Testing course is suitable for anyone who undertakes inspection and testing of portable electrical equipment, as well as anyone responsible for managing electrical equipment maintenance.
17th Edition Update Course
England - Training - Electrical Training, 13 years ago, 749 hits
The City & Guilds 2382-20 17th Edition Update course is designed for people who have already achieved a valid 16th Edition qualification.
Delegates will be updated with the main additions and changes introduced by the BS7671 Wiring Regulations.