Formax FD 120-20 8" Slitter Cassette for Greeting Cards
United States - Office - Office Products - Slitter Cassette, 13 years ago, 478 hits
Formax FD 120-20 8" Slitter Cassette for Greeting Cards. Located in the hustle and bustle of New York City, Mono Machines LLC is an authorized reseller for many manufacturers.
SEM SEMBB250 Burn Bags for Disintegrators
United States - Office - Equipment - Bags, 13 years ago, 694 hits
Many government and military facilities use these tear resistant bags to store items for transport to a central destruction area. White and red diagonal stripes make them easily identifiable.
SEM 600HDDSTAND Heavy Duty Stand for SEM Sledgehammer
United States - Office - Equipment - Stands, 14 years ago, 511 hits
SEM 600HDDSTAND Heavy Duty Stand for SEM Sledgehammer, Used with SEM 0100, SEM 0100 DEP, SEM 0101, SEM 0101 DEP.
SEM PMCONDEG Annual Service / Recertification Package
United States - Office - Equipment, 14 years ago, 519 hits
The complexities of the unit, the best method to maintain the unit is at the factory where special consideration is given to safety and the special measurement tools required to analyze the system.
SEM 600MER-HDKIT Recertification Package
United States - Office - Equipment, 14 years ago, 620 hits
However, if degausser re-testing is desired, the SEM Recertification (Part# 600MER-HDKIT ) is completed using a High Density Hard Drive providing recertification to factory specification.
SEM 250MOBLIFT Mobile Lift Table (Manual)
United States - Office - Equipment - Tables, 14 years ago, 398 hits
Portable, adjustable height work surface. A manual foot pump adjusts the platform to the most comfortable working height. Easy rolling casters make relocating degaussers a breeze.
SEM ERASEDLABEL "Erased" Labels for Degaused Material
United States - Office - Equipment, 14 years ago, 607 hits
These large, easy to read self-adhesive labels provide immediate visual indication that a hard drive or other magnetic media has been erased.
SEM SEMFORENSICLAB Portable Forensic Lab
United States - Office - Equipment, 14 years ago, 657 hits
The Forensic Lab is designed for Law Enforcement Agencies, Prosecutors, Attorneys and other related professions where data on a hard drive MUST be analyzed but must also remain uncompromised to for use as "evidence" in a court of law.
SEM 1550 Case for Forensic Lab
United States - Office - Equipment - Cases, 14 years ago, 572 hits
Used with SEM Portable Forensic Lab, SEM Hammer Data Elimination Unit (PATA, SATA, SCSI), PSI-Clone
SEM SEMIDE2CF Compact Flash Adapter for Hammer and PSI-Clone
United States - Office - Equipment - Adapters, 14 years ago, 579 hits
Used with SEM Hammer Data Elimination Unit (PATA / SATA), Hammer SCSI and SEM PSI-Clone Data Verification Unit V.2
SEM SEMPCMCIA Adapter for Hammer and PSI-Clone
United States - Office - Equipment - Adapters, 14 years ago, 717 hits
Used with SEM Hammer Data Elimination Unit (PATA / SATA) and SEM PSI-Clone Data Verification Unit V.2
SEM SEMIDENBADAPT Laptop PATA Adapter for Hammer and PSI-Clone
United States - Office - Equipment - Adapters, 14 years ago, 521 hits
Used with SEM Hammer Data Elimination Unit (PATA / SATA) and SEM PSI-Clone Data Verification Unit V.2
Quartet 5001M Marker Set
United States - Office - Equipment, 14 years ago, 411 hits
High Performance made simple, from Quartet®. As today's work environments strive for greater productivity, tools that improve visual communication and organization are more essential than ever.
Applied Magnetics Laboratory 101-220/110VAC - 220VAC/50Hz & 110VAC/60Hz
United States - Office - Equipment, 14 years ago, 658 hits
Power input designed to operate in both 220v/50Hz while deployed out of the US and 110v/60Hz when the unit comes back to the US from deployment.
Applied Magnetics Laboratory Infostroyer 101-220VAC 50 Hz
United States - Office - Equipment, 14 years ago, 455 hits
An important segment of Applied Magnetics business has ALWAYS been devoted to specialty security equipment.
Applied Magnetics Laboratory Infostroyer 101-Bags Residue Bags
United States - Office - Equipment - Bags, 14 years ago, 589 hits
An important segment of Applied Magnetics business has ALWAYS been devoted to specialty security equipment.
Applied Magnetics Laboratory Infostroyer KD-100-Residue-Bags-EXTVAC-6G Bags
United States - Office - Equipment - Bags, 14 years ago, 527 hits
An important segment of Applied Magnetics business has ALWAYS been devoted to specialty security equipment.
Applied Magnetics Laboratory Infostroyer-201-BB Replacement Belt & Bed Blade
United States - Office - Equipment - Blades, 14 years ago, 665 hits
An important segment of Applied Magnetics business has ALWAYS been devoted to specialty security equipment.
Applied Magnetics Laboratory Infostroyer-201-SM Comprehensive Service Manual
United States - Office - Equipment - Service Manual, 14 years ago, 553 hits
An important segment of Applied Magnetics business has ALWAYS been devoted to specialty security equipment.
Applied Magnetics Laboratory Infostroyer-Bag-EMU3 Emergency Vacuum Bags
United States - Office - Equipment - Bags, 14 years ago, 528 hits
An important segment of Applied Magnetics business has ALWAYS been devoted to specialty security equipment.
Applied Magnetics Laboratory Infostroyer Bags-Extvac-6g Shop-Vac Vacuum Bags
United States - Office - Equipment - Bags, 14 years ago, 564 hits
An important segment of Applied Magnetics business has ALWAYS been devoted to specialty security equipment.
Applied Magnetics Laboratory Infostroyer Bags-Vac-16 Shop-Vac Vacuum Bags
United States - Office - Equipment - Bags, 14 years ago, 505 hits
An important segment of Applied Magnetics business has ALWAYS been devoted to specialty security equipment.
Applied Magnetics Laboratory Infostroyer 301-Bags Disposable Residue Bags
United States - Office - Equipment - Bags, 14 years ago, 420 hits
An important segment of Applied Magnetics business has ALWAYS been devoted to specialty security equipment.
MBM 0970 Drill Block for FMM3
United States - Office - Equipment - Drill Block, 14 years ago, 425 hits
At MBM, innovative thinking and exhaustive research and development go into every product we sell.
SEM 386DDGBAG Cordura Nylon DDG Bag for SEM DDG Containers
United States - Office - Equipment - Containers, 14 years ago, 446 hits
Security Engineered Machinery Co., Inc. (SEM) was established in 1967, and is the largest direct supplier of document destruction equipment in the United States for commercial and government end users.
SEM 377WC9668 PLASTIC LINER for SEM 008 Containers
United States - Office - Equipment - Liner, 14 years ago, 568 hits
Security Engineered Machinery Co., Inc. (SEM) was established in 1967, and is the largest direct supplier of document destruction equipment in the United States for commercial and government end users.
SEM HDC850ANVIL Replacement Anvil for SEM Sledgehammer
United States - Office - Equipment - Anvils, 14 years ago, 508 hits
SEM HDC850ANVIL Replacement Anvil for SEM Sledgehammer, Used with SEM 0100, SEM 0100 DEP, SEM 0101, SEM 0101 DEP.
TouchIt Technologies PRO-LCDTABLET TouchIt Tablet - 19" LCD Tablet Monitor
United States - Office - Equipment - TouchIt Tablet, 14 years ago, 604 hits
TouchIT Tablet is the most cost efficient RF Wireless tablet on the market today. Using RF wireless technology teachers and students can enjoy the freedom of controlling their individual computers and digital content from anywhere in the classroom.
TouchIt Technologies PRO-MUTABLET TouchIt Tablet - Multi User
United States - Office - Equipment - TouchIt Tablet, 14 years ago, 518 hits
TouchIT Tablet is the most cost efficient RF Wireless tablet on the market today. Using RF wireless technology teachers and students can enjoy the freedom of controlling their individual computers and digital content from anywhere in the classroom.
TouchIt Technologies PRO-TTABLET TouchIt Tablet - Single User
United States - Office - Equipment - TouchIt Tablet, 14 years ago, 448 hits
TouchIT Tablet is the most cost efficient RF Wireless tablet on the market today. Using RF wireless technology teachers and students can enjoy the freedom of controlling their individual computers and digital content from anywhere in the classroom.
TouchIt Technologies PRO-TVRR50H1R TouchIt Vote - 50 Vote Handsets
United States - Office - Equipment - Vote Handsets, 14 years ago, 603 hits
TouchIT Vote gives you the ability of real-time assessment through simple integration with PowerPoint or via our stand-alone editor.
TouchIt Technologies PRO-TVRR40H1R TouchIt Vote - 40 Vote Handsets
United States - Office - Equipment - Vote Handsets, 14 years ago, 578 hits
TouchIT Vote gives you the ability of real-time assessment through simple integration with PowerPoint or via our stand-alone editor.
TouchIt Technologies PRO-TVRR32H1R TouchIt Vote - 32 Vote Handsets
United States - Office - Equipment - Vote Handsets, 14 years ago, 611 hits
TouchIT Vote gives you the ability of real-time assessment through simple integration with PowerPoint or via our stand-alone editor.
TouchIt Technologies PRO-TVRR24H1R TouchIt Vote - 24 Vote Handsets
United States - Office - Equipment - Vote Handsets, 14 years ago, 551 hits
TouchIT Vote gives you the ability of real-time assessment through simple integration with PowerPoint or via our stand-alone editor.
Proton GS-0034 Silicone Oil
United States - Office - Equipment - Oil, 14 years ago, 582 hits
Used for silicone oil on rollers inside declassifiers, For use with Proton 1250, Proton 1250A, Proton 1250-INT, Proton 2495.