Inkwell pad printer + Polymer plate making package
United States - Machine - Print Euipment - Pad Printer, 14 years ago, 1188 hits
Inkwell pad printer making package :
1 Manual inkwell pad printer
1 Exposure machine
20 photopolymer plates ( 75mm x 100mm)
2 Pads
50 A4 size Transparent films ( for injet printer or laser priter uses )
Sealed ink cup pad printer + polymer cliches making package
United States - Machine - Print Euipment - Pad Printer, 14 years ago, 799 hits
Sealed ink cup pad printer making package. One stop solution for pad printing.
Embossing Machine,Manual Card Embosser Credit Card
United States - Machine - Print Euipment - Card Embosser, 14 years ago, 1050 hits
Designed for use with PVC plastic cards embossing used for banking, health care, security. Financial Format /Five Line /ANSI /for CR-80 Plastic Cards.Characters set specially for international credit card with ISO standard.
18 inch photobook mini station, photobook maker, album maker
United States - Machine - Print Euipment - Photobook Maker, 14 years ago, 674 hits
Tabletop in size, easy to use and economical, anyone can create a beautiful,
professional photobook in minutes.
Can produce any book format from 2''x2'' up to 18''x18'' and 80mm thickness.
12 inch Photobook mini Station, photobook makers, Albums maker
United States - Machine - Print Euipment - Photobook Maker, 14 years ago, 770 hits
All in one solution for deluxe Photobooks that mounting the book block and hard cover in one machine.Can produce any book format from 2 inch x 2 inch up to 12.2 inch x 12.4 inch PB18 inch up to 18 inch x 18 inch and 80mm thickness.
Manual Bookletmaker, staple and folding machine
United States - Machine - Print Euipment - Stitcher, 14 years ago, 839 hits
This booklet making machine is easy to set up and operate and makes booklets up to 40 pages.
Digital Electric paper cutter 17.7''
United States - Machine - Print Euipment - Paper Cutter, 14 years ago, 761 hits
Programmable digital paper cutter. LCD display. Suitable for print and copy store.
Perfect Binding Machine with Roughener unit - PGO
United States - Machine - Print Euipment, 14 years ago, 716 hits
Perfect binding machine with roughener unit. suitable for making hard covers and soft covers in print and copy store, printing company. Easy to use. Fine book binding product.