R4i Gold For DSi - r4ids.com
China - Games - Nintendo DS - Flash Cards, 14 years ago, 1778 hits
R4i Gold /R4iDS (www.r4ids.com) Cartridge is the current top-of-the-line in DS SLOT-1 flash carts. It is just an amazing little device like original DS cart size, it is a complete solution with no need to purchase any additional components.
R4i SDHC | R4i-SDHC V1.4 Adapter for Nintendo DSi
China - Games - Nintendo DS - Flash Cards, 14 years ago, 1536 hits
The R4i-SDHC V1.4 is the latest development in flash cartridge technology for the Nintendo DSi v1.4 firmware, and it also is compatible with Nintendo DS Lite and DS. The R4i is an adapter so you can use a microSDHC card (up to 32GB)
R4 SDHC | R4DS SDHC | R4 DS SDHC Adapter for DS
China - Games - Nintendo DS - Flash Cards, 14 years ago, 1890 hits
R4 SDHC card is the latest development in flash cartridge technology for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite, Made by www.r4i-sdhc.com Team.
R4 Ultra SDHC with Kingston 8GB Micro SDHC
China - Games - Nintendo DS - Flash Cards, 14 years ago, 758 hits
R4 Ultra is a SLOT-1 flash card designed for Nintendo DS/DS Lite handheld consoles. Can use SDHC storage card, and have even better compatibility than R4 with NDS ROMs and homebrews.
R4 Ultra SDHC with Kingston 4GB Micro SDHC
China - Games - Nintendo DS - Flash Cards, 14 years ago, 729 hits
R4 Ultra is a SLOT-1 flash card designed for Nintendo DS/DS Lite handheld consoles. Can use SDHC storage card, and have even better compatibility than R4 with NDS ROMs and homebrews.
R4 Ultra SDHC /w Kingston 2GB Microsd Card
China - Games - Nintendo DS - Flash Cards, 14 years ago, 887 hits
R4 Ultra is a SLOT-1 flash card designed for Nintendo DS/DS Lite handheld consoles. Can use SDHC storage card, and have even better compatibility than R4 with NDS ROMs and homebrews.
R4 Ultra SDHC R4 Revolution For DS DSL
China - Games - Nintendo DS - Flash Cards, 14 years ago, 790 hits
R4 Ultra is a SLOT-1 flash card designed for Nintendo DS/DS Lite handheld consoles. Can use SDHC storage card, and have even better compatibility than R4 with NDS ROMs and homebrews.
R4 DS Revolution + Kingston MicroSD TF 2GB Memory Card
China - Games - Nintendo DS, 14 years ago, 723 hits
The R4 DS is the current top-of-the-line in DS SLOT-1 flash carts. It is Just an amazing little device like original DS cart size, it is a complete solution with no need to purchase any a additional components or deal with any messy software.