PS3 Minimus AVR USB 32K Development Board
England - Accessories - PS3, 14 years ago, 1206 hits
The Minimus AVR USB 32K is powered by an Atmel ATmega32U2 that is pre-programmed with the bootloader which allows code to be programmed inside the chip without any external programmer,
rSony Playstation 3 Blu-ay Disc Remote for PS3
Australia - Accessories - PS3, 14 years ago, 716 hits
Playstation 3's Blu-Ray Disc Remote is an elegant, sleekly designed controller for enjoying Blu-Ray discs on your PS3.
PS3Key USB Dongle for PS3 Original from
England - Accessories - PS3, 14 years ago, 708 hits
The famouse Wiikey Team launched a new dongle for PS3, it's PS3key USB Stick, which has the same function as PS3 Jailbreak.
Before that, wiikey team has released some great modchips for Wii, such as wiikey, wiikey2 and wiikey fusion.