Ultimate POP3 Component for .NET
United States - Software - Development, 14 years ago, 792 hits
The Ultimate POP3 component is a part of the Mail Component which offers a comprehensive interface for receiving e-mail messages from a server and managing them remotely, all from within your application.
Ultimate SAML Component for .NET
United States - Software - Utility - Scripts, 14 years ago, 859 hits
Ultimate SAML is an OASIS SAML v1.x and v2.0 specifications compliant .NET toolkit. It offers an elegant and easy way to add support for Single Sign-On SAML 1.x and 2.0 to your ASP.NET applications.
Ultimate SFTP Component for .NET
United States - Software - Network Management - FTP, 14 years ago, 400 hits
Ultimate SFTP is a 100%-managed .NET class library that adds powerful and comprehensive SSH Secure File Transfer (SFTP) capabilities to your .NET applications.
Ultimate IMAP Component for .NET
United States - Software, 14 years ago, 702 hits
The Ultimate IMAP component is a part of the Mail Component which offers a comprehensive interface for downloading e-mail messages from a server and managing your mailbox remotely, all from within your application.
Ultimate FTP Component for .NET
United States - Software - Network Management - FTP, 14 years ago, 403 hits
Ultimate FTP is a 100%-managed .NET class library that adds powerful and comprehensive File Transfer capabilities to your .NET applications.